Top 8 Home Improvement Mistakes

Posted on March 1, 2017 in Home Remodeling

At P.J. Fitz, we know that when you decide to change your home, it can be a big step (and an intimidating one if you’re not exactly sure what to do). If you’re unsure of a project, give us a call. Don’t make these common home improvement mistakes:

1) Using the wrong tools

If you’re tackling your own home improvement project, it’s important to use the right tools. Before you start, do your research to find out what tools you’ll need. Using the wrong tools can mean ruining the project, breaking the tool, or hurting yourself.

2) Designing for “now”

Whether you’re replacing your cabinets, putting up wallpaper, or updating your bathroom fixtures, don’t be too trendy with your designs. Something that’s popular now may not be popular in the future, and if you ever decide to sell your home, you’ll lose interest from your buyers. For best results, choose a timeless look.

3) Not budgeting your money

Home improvement projects can not only take time, but they can take money and if you don’t plan right, you may lose track of where your budget is during the process. Before you start, take into account all the things you want to do (even if they’re in the near future) and make sure you leave a little wiggle room in case something goes wrong.

4) Replacing your own roof

While some homeowners have done it, our roofing replacement experts don’t recommend replacing your own roof. Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home and if it’s not installed correctly, you could experience major problems in the future. It’s best to trust a professional.

5) Too little insulation

When it comes to insulating your walls or attic, you need the proper amount to make sure that your home is not losing energy. Too little insulation can result in heat loss during the winter and air conditioning loss during the summer. Because of this, you’ll be using more energy to keep your home at the right temperature.

6) Using cheap materials

Since home improvements can be pricey, you probably want to spend as little as possible, but settling for cheap materials could mean problems in the future (or additional money if you need to repair or replace them). If you have a high-grade project, don’t buy a low-grade materials.

7) Inaccurate measuring

There’s nothing worse than measuring something and then realizing later that you were completely off. Measuring correctly can save you a lot of time and hassle when it comes to buying and installing your materials. Wrong measurements could mean starting all over, so do it right the first time (and triple-check your math!).

8) Forgetting about lighting

Lighting plays a big part in how your home looks, so don’t forget about it during your next home improvement project. Different lighting can change the colors, the feeling, or the overall ambiance of a room. And if lighting is your next project, make sure you consider all of your style options to best complement your home’s architecture and decor.

If your next home improvement project is too big to be a DIY, just call our experts. We’d be happy to help!