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How to Level an Existing Bathtub

If you chose a reputable home improvement contractor (like P.J. Fitzpatrick!), to install your bathtub, you should have a tub that’s level. However, if you’ve found puddles, mold, or other signs of a crooked tub, don’t worry. Leveling a bathtub is relatively easy and can be done with just a few tools and some help.


  1. Start by recruiting a friend to help you remove your bathtub from the wall, floor, or both.
  2. Next, mix up your thinset mortar.
  3. Let it sit for a few minutes until it becomes thicker.
  4. Pour your mortar into the area where your bathtub sits. Make sure your mortar area is around 1″ deeper than the length of your bathtub legs or base.
  5. After that, smooth the mortar out with a trowel.
  6. Next, place your bathtub back in its spot on top of the mortar and have a friend help you push down on it until it reaches the floor.
  7. Use a large level to determine if your bathtub is sitting properly.
  8. If it’s not, continue to push down on the appropriate sides until it is level.
  9. Use your damp towel to wipe away any excess mortar that has squeezed out from the area.
  10. Finally, let the mortar dry for at least 24 hours and you’ve completed leveling your bathtub!


  1. Start by recruiting a friend to help you un-attach your bathtub from the wall, floor, or both.
  2. Next, check to see if it’s level by using your large level.
  3. If it’s not, slide wood or metal shims underneath the tub.
  4. Re-check to see if it’s level and add more shims if necessary.
  5. Once you’re done leveling your bathtub, remove it from the area.
  6. Next, use silicone caulk to secure your shims in place. (Apply the caulk to the bottom of each shim.)
  7. After that, place your bathtub back onto the shims and re-check to make sure it’s level.
  8. If it is, remove it, apply caulk to the tops of each shim.
  9. Next, lower the bathtub back down onto them. Check again to make sure it’s level.
  10. Once it is, use your damp towel to wipe away any excess caulk.
  11. Finally, let the caulk dry for at least 24 hours and you’ve completed leveling your bathtub!

Tools & Materials

  • Level
  • Thinset mortar
  • Trowel
  • Damp cloth
  • Hardwood or metal shims
  • Silicone caulk

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