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How to Install Aluminum Gutters

These days, gutters come in a variety of materials; one of the most popular is aluminum. If you’re interested in an aluminum gutter installation for your home and want to try tackling the job yourself, our gutter experts share how to do so:

Preparing Your Gutters

  1. Before you begin your aluminum gutter installation, you’ll need to measure to determine how much gutter material you’ll need.
  2. Start on one side of your home: using a ladder and a measuring tape, measure the length of your home’s fascia.
  3. Repeat this process for each side of your home.
  4. Next, combine the length calculations together and add 10% for overlap. This will be the amount of gutter material you’ll need.
  5. After you get your aluminum gutters, use a hacksaw and tin snips to cut them to the right size.
  6. If needed, use your gutter sealant, tin snips, drill, and rivet gun to join pieces of aluminum gutters together.
  7. Next, determine where you’d like to install your downspouts.
  8. Choose the sections of gutters that will have a downspout and trace the opening of the downspout outlet onto each section.
  9. Next, cut 1/16″ outside the traced line to form your outlet holes.
  10. Attach your downspouts using your gutter sealant, drill, and rivet gun.

Hanging Your Gutters

  1. In order to drain properly, your gutters should slope at an average of 1/2″ every 10 feet.
  2. Do the math to determine how many inches your gutter should slope based on the length of your fascia.
  3. Make a chalk mark at both ends of your home based on the slope calculations.
  4. Then, use your chalk line reel to snap a chalk line between the two markings. This will show you how your gutter should be installed.
  5. After that, determine which sections will be stand-alone sections.
  6. Attach your end caps to these sections using your gutter sealant and your crimping tool.
  7. Next, line your gutters up with your chalk line and attach them to your home using your screwdriver and hex screws every 1 1/2 – 2 feet.
  8. Finish by sliding gutter flashing underneath your shingles and nailing it down every two feet (make sure you overlap the sections).
  9. Then, attach gutter hangers to help secure your gutters. Your aluminum gutter installation is complete!

Tools & Materials

  • Ladder
  • Measuring tape
  • Hacksaw
  • Tin snips
  • Gutter sealant
  • Rivet gun
  • Drill
  • Chalk line reel
  • Downspouts
  • End caps
  • Crimping tool
  • Screwdriver, hex screws
  • Gutter flashing
  • Gutter hangers

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