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How to Install Architectural Shingles

Shingle damage can occur under a number of circumstances, from debris to wind to mold, and more, and if you have architectural shingles, you know how noticeable shingle damage can be. Luckily, if you’re willing, learning how to install architectural shingles is a roofing project you can do yourself with just a few materials and some time.

Before you install your new architectural shingles, you’ll want to remove the old damaged ones.

  1. Start by locating the damaged shingles. Then, locate the non-damaged ones on top of them. (You’ll need to remove the bottom nails from all of these shingles since they overlap.)
  2. Slide your putty knife underneath the edge of one non-damaged shingle. Then, lift it up to loosen the shingle from the seal.
  3. Next, use your pry bar to lift the shingle off of the roof until the bottom row of nails is about ¼” visible.
  4. Remove these nails with your hammer and look for the first row of nails on your damaged shingle.
  5. Repeat the nail removal process on the other non-damaged shingles that are above the damaged shingles and pull out your damaged shingles.

Now, you’ll want to install your new shingles.

  1. Starting at one end of the damage area, slip a new shingle underneath one of the good shingles above it. Then, nail it into place using your hammer and nails.
  2. Once the new shingle is in place, apply a dab of roof cement to the tab to seal it to the roof.
  3. Repeat the process for the rest of the missing shingles until your roof is complete.

Tools & Materials

  • Architectural Shingles
  • Flat Pry Bar
  • Putty Knife
  • Nails
  • Hammer
  • Roof Cement

If shingling simply isn’t your forte, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at P.J. Fitzpatrick. We’ll install your architectural shingles quickly and professionally.

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